Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The sun began to fade, How Impact With Life on Earth?

Now scientists are monitoring the solar activity recorded in the position of "Freefall" or "Freefall". Mentioned freefall since this is a period where the sun is 'cool down' of conditions usually.

As reported by the Washington Post, the physicists themselves consider that this is a rare phenomenon. However, even so is not expected to disrupt life on earth as it is during the ice age.

"The current solar activity is declining very rapidly, we calculate that this is the most rapid decline that happened during the year 9300," said researchers from Reading University.

The researchers then tried to connect this phenomenon with the Grand Solar Minimum that usually occurs every four centuries.

Grand Solar Minimum is a period of solar activity in the 11-year solar cycle. During this time, the black dot activity (sunspot) and flame (flare) is reduced and does not occur for days at a time span. As a result, summer occurs in the northern hemisphere would be different than usual.

Dark areas on the sun has been going on since July 2013 (SOHO / NASA)

The last time this cycle occurred in the 17th century. At that time, over 70 years, the sun does not show a single sunspot. At that time Europe has also recorded the most severe winters in history, could even be likened to the little ice age.

To the Grand Solar Minimum will happen at this point is estimated not severe in the 17th century. This is because of global warming whose impact is more severe.

Dark areas in the Sun Giant Looks 

While Spacecraft Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) have a giant hole in the solar atmosphere. Dark area known as the corona hole covers almost a quarter of the sun and spewed material and gases into space.

Coronal hole is starting to look at the north pole of the sun between 13-18 July 2013 ago.

In a video released Tuesday, July 30, 2013 ago, the U.S. space agency (NASA) declared an coronal hole regions are cooler than the sun's atmosphere or corona and solar material containing small.

In this empty area, instead of returning to the surface of the sun, the sun's magnetic field just thrown out into the solar storm.

"Although the cause is unclear, coronal hole area correlated to the magnetic field and bounced off," said Karen Fox, a scientist at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, USA.

Fox added a corona hole affecting weather in space due to send solar particles approximately three times faster than that released from other areas on the sun's atmosphere.

Reversing Solar Magnetic Field Phase

Changes in the frequency of occurrence is arguably the corona hole in accordance with the cycle of solar activity. This year, the sun reaches the peak of its activity in 11 years, is known as the solar maximum phase or the Grand Solar Maximum.

Grand Solar Maximum period or Solar Max is a normal period of greatest solar activity in the 11-year cycle of the Sun.

EIT 284 image of the sun

Satellite images the solar atmosphere at 284 Angstrom wavelength of light that is used to display the material sun. Hottest temperature of about 2 million degrees Kelvin.

During Solar Maximum, a large number of sunspots emerge and grow solar radiation output is approximately 0.07%. Increased energy output of solar maxima can affect Earth's global climate and recent studies have shown some correlation with regional weather patterns.

At around the time of peak activity of this solar magnetic field reverses. "The number of coronal holes typically decreases as the magnetic field changes," said Fox. After the reversal of the magnetic field, coronal holes will rise again near the poles.

Then as the sun approached the minimum activity again, corona hole crept closer to the equator. The number and size then increases.

SOHO spacecraft has been observing solar activity since its launch in 1995. Rides for U.S. $ 1.27 billion is a mission shared between NASA and the European Space Agency (ESA).

SOHO observing the sun from orbit Lagrange Point 1, a gravitationally stable region in between the earth and the sun, about 1.5 million kilometers from Earth.

Latest GOES Solar X-ray Image


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