A study published in the Journal of Neuroscience mentioned, this phenomenon caused the nerves in the gut charge signals satiety to the brain. Neural repetitive rhythm that works like clockwork.
The team of researchers from the University of Adelaide conducted a series of tests performed on mice. However, scientists believe the results of this study also apply to humans.
Quoted from Huffington Post t, results of studies say that when the body is awake, the neurons become insensitive.
When in the insensitive period, the nerve was unresponsive send satiety signals to the brain. That's why we feel hungry while awake and able to eat food until you are full.
Conversely at night, the very sensitive nerve. When we sleep, the neurons become responsive send satiety signals to the brain. As a result only a few foods that can be taken into the body and we did not feel hungry.
"When pergantiaan day period associated headed for sleep, nerves in the stomach it is more sensitive to stretch. He sends satiety signals to the brain more quickly, so that food intake is limited," said Dr.. Stephen Kentish, researchers in Neuroscience Research Laboratory at the University of Adelaide intestine.
The neural rhythm repeated in 24 hours. Researchers concluded that this nerve in the body acts as coordinator. He determines whether the body can receive appropriate food intake the body needs energy.
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