Thursday, January 16, 2014

10 Years Allegedly Alien, Creature's Identity Revealed

In 2003, a creature made mummies were discovered by a man looking for historical relics in a church in La Noria, Atacama Desert, Chile. The mummy was very small, measuring only about 15 cm. 

Rupa is so strange mummy, resembling an alien. Therefore, for 10 years, the identity of the mystery bone. Some believe that it is the mummy of extraterrestrials, some are convinced that the mummy was aborted human fetuses. 

Orcar Munoz, the inventor of the object, initially described the framework that has teeth and a head that has a hard bulge. Meanwhile, there are the rest of the skin that looks scaly. Unlike humans, only 9 of his ribs (the number was later revised to 10). 

The mummy was then called the Atacama Humanoid (Ata) has changed hands several times before it finally fell to Ramon Navia Orio, head of the Institute for Investigation and Study Exobiological (IEE). Navia Orio said the object was not a hoax, although not yet know whether it is an alien. 

In a show called "Sirius" on Monday (04/22/2013), revealed that the mummy is a human being no matter how strange. DNA analysis showed that the object was mummified man. 

Gary Nolan, stem cell researchers from Stanford University, in the documentary says, "I'm absolutely sure this is not a monkey.'s Human, closer to humans than chimpanzees. He lived until the age of 6-8 years." 

"Obviously, he's breathing, he eats, he does metabolism. Become question then is how much size at birth," Nolan said as quoted by the Huffington Post. 

Nolan perform analyzes on mitochondrial DNA, which is in charge of part of the cell produces energy but also have genetic material. "The strand that we can be of mitochondrial DNA showed that the mothers of these men are the Indians of Chile." 

While on the small size, Nolan revealed that it may be due to a condition called dwarfism. According to him, the phenomenon of the mummies are in fact not be said to be rare. 

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