Thursday, January 9, 2014

History of Marijuana, Drug Thousands For Years To Diharamkannya Current

"Marijuana, fertilize 12,000 years of human civilization!"

Quotes that always ringing remember sandangan current legal status of cannabis, then it's 10,000 years of human gait with marijuana before modern civilization began to record the time of AD, and now have started legal in some countries and even in some American states, including Washington and Colorado .

The human brain is often touted as the last area to be explored is the most difficult in the entire universe. When the Nobel Prize awarded to Camillo Golgi and Ramon Cajal in 1906, the human race is still far from understanding how the nervous system works.

Nobel was given a second controversial because scientists were still expressed the opinion that each of them is different about the structure of human nerve.

The arrival of the electron microscope in the 1950s gave a new bright spot to reinforce his opinion of Cajal and Sherrington that the nerve cell is the smallest unit that make up the human nervous system.

Have marijuana Mysterious Molecules "endocannabinoid" 

Until the early 1990s, around the neurologist in the world still thinks that the signal in the adult human brain is only moving in one direction only, from the pre-synaptic nerve cell to nerve cell post-sinaptic.

Structure of Neurons

But the discovery in the early 90s by scientists at the University of Maryland in the United States and the University Rene Descartes in Paris suggesting a new mechanism in the way nerve cells communicate with each other.

The trick, which is of nerve cells post-sinaptic back to pre-sinaptic nerve cells using molecular services "messengers" called neurotransmitters, which carry endogenous organic compounds in signaling between neurons.

Neurotransmitters encased by synaptic vesicles, before being released to coincide with the arrival of an action potential.

The second track in the direction of the communication is named DSI (depolarization-induced suppression of inhibition) or also known as retrogade signaling. During this two-way communication between nerve cells known only occurs when nerve cells are still in early stages of development.

The identity of this messenger molecule mystery until finally in 2001, scientists from the University of California, San Francisco and scientists at the University of Kanazawa, Japan separately but simultaneously discovered that a molecule anandamidedan molecule 2-AG is the endocannabinoid as this mysterious molecule.

Endocannabinoid molecules are messenger molecules that specifically attaches to cannabinoid receptors.

Cannabinoid receptor itself is one of the G-protein receptor type most in the brain, these receptors are found in high density in the parts such as the cerebral cortex, hippocampus, hypothalamus, cerebellum (cerebellum), basal ganglia, brain stem, spinal cord and amygdala.

The term 'cannabinoid' is derived from the cannabis plant or 'Cannabis' which produces a variety of active molecules (known until now only 60 types of molecules) called fitocannabinoid ataucannabinoid of plants.

Cannabis plant is the only plant species known to date produce cannabinoid molecules, the existence of cannabinoid receptors are abundant in various parts of the human brain is so complex making marijuana effects on human consciousness.

Legendary Medicinal Plants in the World 

Cannabis has been known as a medicinal plant and restoring the health of thousands of years ago. Before Raphael Mechoulam is an Israeli scientists discovered that the human brain also produces exactly the same molecular function by cannabinoid molecules from marijuana plants, marijuana has become the medicinal plants in the world's most legendary.

Marijuana once referred to as a medicinal plant with the largest utility in the world (Christian Ratsch, 2001). Notes on the history of marijuana first appeared in the book of the world's oldest medicine, Pen 'Tsao Ching originating from China.

This book is a collection of notes made by the emperor Shen Nung, who lived at the time of 2900 BC.

Marijuana is also known as one of the five sacred plants in the Atharva Veda, one of the Hindu holy book (Aldrich, 1977), while in the Persian marijuana is called in the book Zend-Avesta in the first order of 10,000 species of medicinal plants.

Since Marijuana is used to Medicinal Plants

Long history of efficacy of marijuana plants is not a figment of the past. Scientists around the world are now starting to discover how important the role of cannabinoid receptors and endocannabinoid molecules in the human body.

1. Cannabinoids act on the reproductive system (Park, McPartland and Glass, 2003)

2. Recovery stress and maintain balance in the body (Di Marzo V, MelCK D, Bisogno T, De Petrocellis L, 1998)

3. Protection of nerve cells (Panikashvili D, Mechoulam R, Beni SM, Alexandrovich A, Shohami E, 2005)

4. The reaction to pain stimulus (Cravatt BF, Lichtman AH, 2004)

5. Regulation of motor activity (Van der Stelt M, Di Marzo V, 2003)

6. Controlling certain phases of memory processing (Wotjak CT, 2005)

7. Play a role in modulating the immune response and the body's immunity (Klein TW, Newton C, Larsen K, Lu L, Perkins I, Nong L, Friedman H, 2003; Massa F, Marsicano G, Hermann H, Cannich A, Monory K, Cravatt BF, Ferri GL, Sibaev A, Storr M, Lutz B, 2004)

8. Influence on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems to regulate heart rate, blood pressure and respiratory function (Mendizabal VE, Adler-Graschinsky E, 2003)

Nature of Forgetting 

In the information-processing mechanisms in the human brain, cannabinoids and endocannabinoids are known to play a very important role.

When it was found that the new pathway signaling in the brain also occurs in the adult human brain, triggering many implications of new discoveries in the world of neuroscience.

Endocannabinoid then known to play a role in the process of long-term potentiation, or strengthening of synapses between nerve cells, a process that is important in storing new information received by the brain.

In 2003, Giovanni Marsicano of the Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry in Munich found another important role of the endocannabinoid molecules and their receptors in one of the most important cognitive processes in the mammalian brain, namely the process of forgetting.

Giovanni found that experimental mice that lacked cannabinoid receptor (CB1) is more difficult to forget the fear and pain that arises from an electric shock stimulus is paired with a stimulus sound than mice with a normal amount of CB1 receptors.

Although the sound stimulus is no longer paired with electrical stimulus, mice that lacked the CB1 receptor still display a sense of fear and pain even if only given a sound stimulus. Forgetting proved to be a very important cognitive processes in the human brain.

Abnormalities of the CB1 receptor number or production of endocannabinoid molecules has been hypothesised many scientists as a cause or a significant factor influencing the conditions such as post-traumatic stress, phobias, and chronic pain.

The Hash, Marihuana & Hemp Museum
located in De Wallen, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

More importantly, forget, is also a vital process when someone wants to remember something because the human brain is actually absorb all the information and stimuli received through the senses.

Without forgetting mechanism, or interference with the process, humans have trouble remembering things because they do not know which one should keep in mind of so much information and stimuli that enter the brain.

So a little story about a messenger molecule called 'endocannabinoid' which was also produced by only one species of plant on earth, namely marijuana.

Plants that throughout history has been the substance most widely consumed by people around the world until this time where the number of users it is the largest of all time. (Global Cannabis Regulation Model, 2004).

Spur creativity 

Relative size of varieties of Cannabis

Besides claimed as a pain reliever, and treatments for specific diseases (including cancer), many are also those who claim a surge of creativity in thinking and in the work (especially on the artists and musicians).

Based on recent research, this (surge of creativity), was also influenced by the type of marijuana used.

One type of marijuana that is believed to help with creativity is the result of modern hybrid "Cannabis Indica" which originated from India with "Cannabis sativa" of the West. This is the type of cruciferous weed that grows in Indonesia.

The resulting effects also vary on each individual. There is a certain class of effects that make them feel lazy, while no group has become active, especially in creative thinking (not physically active like effect produced methamphetamine).

Not Cause of Death 

Marijuana, up until now, has never been shown to cause death or addiction if used as prescribed and needs. In fact, in the past regarded as extraordinary plants, where almost all of the elements available to it can be used for various purposes.

There has never been and Human Patients that die from the direct effects of cannabis
There has never been and Human Patients that die from the direct effects of cannabis
There has never been a human patient and the dead
due to the direct effects of cannabis

In scientific research methods systematic review comparing the effectiveness of marijuana as an antiemetic drug, showed marijuana is effective as antiemetic medications than prochlorperazine, metoclopramide, chlorpromazine, thiethyl perazine, haloperidol, domperidone, or alizapride.

But its use is very limited dose, because the number of patients experiencing symptoms psychotropic effects of cannabis are extremely harmful as dizziness, depression, hallucinations, paranoia, and also arterial hypotension

Utilization of Marijuana Being Illegal (Banned) 

Cannabis plants have been known to mankind since long and used as material for bags because it produces strong fibers. Hemp seed is also used as a source of oil.

However, because marijuana is also known as a source of narcotics and economic usefulness is more valuable, more people are planting for this and in many places abused.

In some countries cannabis cultivation is fully prohibited. In some other countries, growing marijuana is allowed for the benefit of the fiber utilization. The condition is that the varieties grown should contain narcotic ingredients are very low or nonexistent.

Before there is a strict prohibition against marijuana cultivation, marijuana leaf in Aceh become common components of vegetables and served.

There has never been and Human Patients that die from the direct effects of cannabis.

There has never been and Human Patients that die from the direct effects of cannabis.

Ever since humans began to record everything as history, not only legal marijuana in legal status, but also a very large degree of utilization in almost every aspect of this plant never showed how very important function in life.

Cannabis as a multi-function plant is not a new finding also remember the thousands of years is not a short time.

In fact, the illegal status ganjalah more worthy of the nickname 'stink kencur', presentation given prohibition period of less than 1% of the total period of utilization that has thousands of years.

Cannabis as a whole has long been used for a variety of needs such as clothing fabrics, flour and oil for food, rigging and other industries, through the use of interest to medical to religious spiritual needs.

Cannabis Benefits

Cannabis Benefits
History also states that marijuana is the oldest plants humans use for clothing (after the animal skin).

Such facts and information a little later after giving public confusion at the beginning of 16th century America introduced this plant to utilize along with mass appeal, and then the subject of controversy for recreational use in the early 19th century.

Early laws governing cannabis related matters recorded in America in 1619. These laws primarily regulate and simultaneously urged farmers to grow marijuana. Related law continues to evolve in the period of 200 years after that and was more impressed require large-scale planting.

hemp processing plants!

hemp processing plants!

As recorded in the year 1763-1767 in Virginia, anyone can be exposed to criminal penalties and imprisonment for not grow marijuana.

Yes, it's been more important to a civilization marijuana plants, until at last the beginning of the 19th century all about marijuana as discriminated.

More specifically, all began when opening a gap in the field of agriculture, in particular the western part of America.

When it was noted early 1900s, when the outbreak of the Mexican revolution and a lot of influx of Mexican citizens to the United States, which indirectly lead to the cold war between small farmers and large fields ruler (who no longer use the services of local farmers and replacing them with workers Mexican wage is much lower).

Utilizing custom Mexican workers in the use of cannabis as a recreational substance, interested parties first mengkambing scapegoating of marijuana as something bad.

This was followed by banning cash in several American cities, such as in Wyoming (1915), Texas (1919), Iowa, Nevada, Oregon, Washington, and Arkansas (1923), and Nebraska (1927).

As much as it also turned out to be fear of the conspirators against marijuana until 1927 was often heard in such words were spoken from Texas senators

"All Mexicans are crazy, and this stuff (marijuana) is what makes them crazy".

In the eastern U.S., discrimination against marijuana was increasingly felt with different shades. The problem seemed contrived and directed to a combination of 'Latin Americans' with 'Black jazz musicians'.

Marijuana and jazz music coming from New Orleans to Chicago, then expanded to Harlem where marijuana became an indispensable part with hits-hits blacks (Louis Armstrong's "Muggles", "That Funny Reefer Man" Cab Calloways, Viper's Drag by Fats Waller).

Once again discrimination against highly concentrated marijuana wafted along with racism against blacks. As noted in a 1934 paper:

"Marijuana influences Negroes to look at white people in the eye, step on white men's shadows and look at a white woman twice".

That's more or less a row of events that are not directly into the basic prohibition of marijuana in America. After 1914 the federal government passed 'The Harrison Act' undang-undang/tax for opium and cocaine.
Harry J. Anslinger

In the Harrison Act, all forms of opium and cocaine use tax imposed for the legality, while the tax offenders punished by fine or imprisonment. Until finally born The Federal Bureau of Narcotics in 1930 under the authority Harry J. Anslinger. Here, the war on marijuana officially begins.

Harry J. Anslinger, the full figure of petty ambition-Otaki clicking the establishment of new divisions under the Department of the Treasury, and take advantage of this federal agency as a personal career opportunities.

A government body with full authority to handle all forms of narcotics, and the authority to present a solution for any problem that can set their own wishes.

Did not take long, Anslinger was aware that opium and cocaine are not enough used as a platform accelerates the development of his agency, so that the butt of marijuana is appropriate for Anslinger.

"Every effort was devoted to Harry J. Anslinger as soon as possible to make marijuana as something worse than illegal opium and give the title of it."

Could not be separated from his attention, the phenomenon of racism and violence necessarily disangkut-pautkan with this plant to get the attention of the nation for the engineering-engineering dbuatnya own.

Here are some engineering in words, works that reflect the very large Anslinger hatred he and his allies against marijuana:

"... The primary reason to outlaw marijuana is its effect on the degenerate races."
"Marijuana is an addictive drug the which produces in its users insanity, criminality, and death."
"Reefer makes darkies think they're as good as the white man."
"Marijuana leads to pacifism and communist brainwashing."
"You smoke a joint and you're Likely to kill your brother."
"Marijuana is the most violence-causing drug in the history of mankind."

Yes, for the lies it anyway Anslinger hatred against marijuana incessantly tout him gembar.

Campaign's scapegoating of marijuana by Anslinger immediately get the necessary support from the parties not less powerful than FBN. Like one of relief that comes from William Randolf Hearst, the ruler of the print media at the time. Hearst has a myriad of reasons for membanatu Anslinger in the campaigns of anti ganjanya.


First, he hated Mexicans. Second, make the news related shows residents of Mexico lies and cannabis 'The devil' as a source of harm makes the newspaper-selling newspaper, and keep him wealthy.

Primarily, he has long since besaar invested heavily in timber for the paper industry and print media, and do not want to see the development of fiber hemp paper industry as competitors.

The slanted news printed without strong evidence and sources, and always printed on the main page in a long period.

As if to justify the proverb "The more the merrier", Anslinger and Hearst also necessarily get the support of the other giants, this time coming from the king of the Dupont chemical industry. As well as support from pharmaceutical companies that are not less powerful.

Cannabis sativa from Vienna Dioscurides, 512 AD
Cannabis sativa from Vienna Dioscurides, 512 AD

Dupont, at that time had just patented nylon, and greed made them shut down any possibility of marijuana becoming a rival. Similarly, the pharmaceutical industry, they do not want to also market themselves to plant drugs and stop buying their products.

Finally, all the above-tipped cone conspiracy to root all the prohibition of marijuana under the guise of "The Marijuana Tax Act of 1937", which has been prepared by a planned conspiracy Anslinger et al.

From here, too, the big names Marijuana / Cannabis / Hemp as forgotten and eliminated, to a new nickname full of reproach, Marijuana.

All forms of cannabis plant utilization (as a whole) is strongly recommended that once seemed never happened under the confines of his new nickname, Marijuana. Until this moment.

Last Days of Legal Cannabis has a degree 

Major events what might have made during the period as if nothing ever happened? Since when also holds the status of legal marijuana illegal?

Sourced from the book "The Emperor Wears No Clothes" by the late Jack herer, it is written to summarize the following article:

Starting from conspiracy giants of American industry in the late 19th century, cannabis intimidation symptoms began to smell when Dupont (one of the industrial giants of the time), monopolized the industry explosives made from 'Hemp Hurds' by buying and consolidating several small companies emerging . This effort they did after realizing the potential of cannabis and its market, even in the dynamite industry.

The result, Dupont was victorious in this industry and become the largest company that supplies 40% of the stock of ammunition to his allies when the first world war.

It is also then fill the news in Popular Mechanics '38 stated "Thousands of tons of hemp hurds are used every year by one large powder company for the manufacture of dynamite and TNT."
Mykayla cured of cancer Because of marijuana
Mykayla cured of cancer because of marijuana

Not stopping there, in the late 1920s, Dupont continued consolidation of the federal government toward America and managed to control most of the domestic textile industry.

Starting from this monopoly, the researchers and chemists Dupont discover the real potential of hemp cellulose content well above the previous general knowledge.

At that time no more understanding of the researchers Dupont, that 77% of the marijuana tree is the source of cellulose (paper material, plastics, rayon) best natural.

No wonder if in mid-1930, the discovery of new mechanical separation technology hemp fiber and cellulose centrifuge at affordable prices by farmers / small industrial hemp makes Dupont and other industry giants panic.

Moreover, at the same time in 1937, Dupont patented the processes just plastic made from petroleum production and coal as their business. Also new to the industry sulphate chemical process of making paper from wood forest.

Advancement of small industries is very likely detrimental marijuana 80% of business papers, synthetic plastics, and petroleum giants this.

Not only Dupont who felt the importance of cannabis are eliminated from their industrial land, Andrew Mellon of the Mellon Bank of Pittsburgh as a banker behind Dupont and William Randolph Hearst of the Hearst Paper Manufacturing felt the same fears.

cannoil cannabis marijuana biofuels
cannoil cannabis marijuana biofuels
Cannabis can be made ​​into a motor vehicle fuel.

Moreover Randolph Hearst, who are aware of the threat of industrial hemp to the earlier paper. In addition to the paper mill of wood, Hearst, who also heads the company's printing and newspaper publishers have done intimidation of marijuana since 1898. Started after the discovery of 800,000 acres of marijuana fields in his woodland area in Mexico.

Almost three decades later, Hearst makes marijuana as a scapegoat in every main page of the paper.

One example is, when Hearst claimed that almost all violence, rape by blacks against whites is motivated by marijuana. As a result, hundreds of thousands of black and mexican people imprisoned because of this issue.

The newspaper, too, who popularized the word 'marijuana' as a condemnation of marijuana through long-term repetitions in each main page, so it managed to eliminate the word 'hemp' marijuana and original scientific name 'Cannabis'.

Based on a similar fear of the threat it's finally the first secret meeting held by the 'foreman' and banker-bankernya industry in 1931 to unite forces against marijuana, "The environmentally-sane natural source". The meeting was attended by Dupont, Hearst and Andrew Mellon who was a power in the federal government (Secretary of the Treasury).

The results of consolidation among the giants is the appointment of Harry J. Anslinger (nephew-in-law Andrew Mellon) as head of the Federal Bureau of Narcotic and Dangerous Drug (FBNDD) which at the time was suddenly formed.

cannabis maedicine 01

cannabis maedicine 01

From this time until 1937, plenty of secret meetings conducted related draft laws to marijuana, until finally "Marijuana Tax Act" the U.S. government was inaugurated on August 2, 1937.

In this tenure (31 years), Anslinger very vigorous spreading bad propaganda about marijuana on behalf of marijuana (Harry Anslinger's Gore Personal Files).

Many independent parties such as universities by scientists denied accusations unwarranted bad Anslinger. As a result, a new law that prohibits any research on marijuana (without personal permission Anslinger) issued as a reaction to his denial denials.

The deeper buried from that time under the name Cannabis or Hemp full of blackened his new nickname, Marijuana. And continues today sandangan marijuana laws since the enactment of Marijuana Tax Act of 1937.

That would summarize the last days titled LEGAL marijuana.

Could Marijuana Legalization To Experiment Healthcare Quality 

During a debate in many countries about the legalization of marijuana. Many concerns about the negative effects of marijuana, but on the other hand many states marijuana is good for health.

Experts say, there are some negative effects when cannabis is used for pleasure or non-medical. However, concerns were considered not to have sufficient evidence.

Apart from all sorts of debate, experts assess the legalization of marijuana in Colorado and Washington in the United States could be used for experiments on the quality of public health. Thus the researchers were able to gather the information would harm or benefit from the passage of the legalization of marijuana in the U.S..

Legislation that has been passed legalizing marijuana in the two states. With this rule, adults aged over 21 years could have and buy 1 ounce of marijuana for pleasure or non-medical functions.

Actually, until now there has been much research on the topic of loss or benefit of legalizing marijuana. This applies even in countries that have legalized marijuana.
Legalization of marijuana colorado 03
Legalization of marijuana colorado 03

A number of shoppers thronged the counter to buy a wide range of products made ​​from cannabis sold in stores penjulan Medicine Man marijuana legal in Denver, Colorado (01/01/14). (AP Photo / Brennan Linsley)

"It is an empirical question, and eventually we will have the data to assess that," said Rosalie Liccardo Pacula, Deputy Director of the Drug Policy Research Center, RAND Corporation, quoted by LiveScience.

According Pacula, legalization of marijuana could potentially have a negative impact. Pacula called cannabis can damage memory, coordination, and perception, and can affect driving ability. It would endanger public safety.

Several studies have also revealed that driving after a few hours of using cannabis could potentially cause an accident by up to two-fold. The research was conducted by Guosha Li, epidemiologist at Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health, who conducted the research use of marijuana while driving.

The use of marijuana for long periods can also increase the risk of mental impairment. Recently, there are studies that found an association between the use of cannabis in adolescence, will have an impact on the low IQ in the future.

cannabis cures cancer
cannabis cures cancer
Even so, many scientists who say marijuana has a positive impact on health. That is why marijuana can still be used for medical purposes in some countries or states that have not enact legalization of marijuana.

For example, citing the page Bussiness Insider, psychiatrist Tod H Mikuriya has given recommendations to patients for therapeutic use of cannabis since the 1960s.

According Mikuriya, more than 200 diseases can be treated with cannabis therapy. Among these are insomnia, stuttering, danpremenstrual syndrome (PMS) and even cancer.

Even the National Cancer Institute agrees with Mikuriya. The agency said marijuana can be used to overcome the side effects of chemotherapy, prevent nausea (feeling sick) and vomiting, increased appetite, reduce pain, and improve sleep quality.

Bussiness Insider also mentions other benefits of marijuana for health. Among these is to prevent blindness due to glaucoma, epilepsy control, and reduce excessive anxiety.

The chemicals in marijuana are considered cannabidiol may prevent the spread of cancer, and the active ingredient THC can reduce the effects of Alzheimer's disease.
herbal cannabis hope for cancer

Pacula According to various studies that study the negative effects of marijuana was done in a specific population. Object of research are often the ones who tend to use drugs, and not the population as a whole.

He added, the resulting effect on public health depends on how often to use marijuana. Another factor that should be considered to be variable research is conducted simultaneously use with alcohol (which potentially increases the damage), the potential of other illicit drugs, and the number of teens who use.

herbal cannabis hope for cancer

Pacula was reasoned, it makes sense that laws legalizing marijuana would increase use of marijuana by teens, although not yet clear how much of an increase it.

Legalization of marijuana can also have an impact the falling price of drugs. It certainly has the potential to increase the use of illegal drugs, especially among teenagers.

Another unknown variable is the potential for other drugs to be used in non-medical functions. This potential can vary, and the potential of the most dangerous is the mental damage.

"When we have a lot of knowledge about it, then it will be known whether the level of public health it will get better or diminishing," Pacula said. (Adi / vivanews)

Marijuana has been legal for treatment at 18 State in the United States, including Washington DC and Colorado.

Possession of marijuana will be legalized in the state of Washington, one month after voters took the option.

Washington colorado cannabis legal
Washington colorado cannabis legal

Starting Thursday (6/12/2012) at midnight U.S. West Coast time (15:00 pm), anyone who is aged 21 years and above can bring up to 28.4 grams of cannabis, although still suck in public is against the law.

Cannabis has been declared legal for medical purposes in the country since 1998.

Washington and Colorado choose to legalize marijuana, despite federal law still declare it as a crime. However, there is no place to purchase marijuana in the state for one year.

Until today it remains unclear how the authorities will deal with the liberalization of the Narcotics Act in Washington and Colorado.

05 legal cannabis
05 legal cannabis

Although U.S. law still prohibits the use of whole cannabis, many of which held a marijuana party. Hundreds of people gathered at midnight on the Space Needle, a futuristic tower that dominates the night sky. They celebrate 'independence' recently.

"Finally you can smoke marijuana without thinking it is a criminal act. Makes no difference as drinking beer, no longer said to be dangerous," said a marijuana smoker, Calvin Lee.

This followed a referendum on Nov. 6 to legalize personal marijuana consumption for recreational purposes.


Any decision to attack states with liberal drug laws could affect Washington's plans to raise tax revenue from marijuana market are licensed and controlled. "We were in the open sea," said Seattle City Attorney Pete Holmes region in a press conference on Wednesday.
03 legal cannabis

"We struggled with this prohibition for a century," said Holmes, according to the Seattle Post-Intelligencer.

"It will take time to replace the regular system and licensed."

Supporters of the legislation Washington insisted they did not suggest or require anyone to violate federal law.

However, a regional federal prosecutor in the state, Jenny Durkan, told the Post-Intelligencer that, "Plant, sell, or have any amount of marijuana remains illegal under federal law," regardless of what the state law is applied in Washington.

Marijuana still be in the same category with cocaine, heroin, and methamphetamine, said Durkan, who added that only Congress can change its designation. (BBC Indonesian / Egidius Patnistik / Reuters) Government of Uruguay Start Selling Marijuana The marijuana users in Uruguay are now no longer need to furtively smoke marijuana. Because the state government has legalized marijuana and even people produce for consumption in October 2012.

legal cannabis 01

Reported the Daily Mail, the Uruguayan government will supply marijuana to the user and it is set in the state law. In the new regulations, marijuana will be regulated its circulation and use are restricted by the government. For each package weighing 40 grams, or can be made ​​20 marijuana cigarettes, Uruguay fix the price around Rp.332 thousand. The buyer can only buy one package each month. they will be marked with a barcode card to be submitted every purchase. So every month, people may purchase a maximum of 20 bars of cannabis. To meet the demand of the compactor, Uruguayan President Jose Mujica administration also plans to work on marijuana plantation of 150 hectares. In addition, the government will also implement quality standards in order to marijuana being sold is not cheap. (Vivanews / Daily Mail / and various foreign and domestic sources).

cannabinoid cannabis oil hemp oil

In conclusion:
God created all things there must be intent and purpose. There is never a wasted and we can certainly benefit from it. Mandatory you remember and understand, everything must be either redundant results, and God does not like all that much.

Bibliography: - Nicoll, Roger A., Alger, Bradley E.

, 2004. Brain's Own Marijuana. Scientific American.
- Purves, Dale. , 2004.Neuroscience 3rd Edition.
- Sinauer Associates, Inc.. USA.
- Riedel, Gernot & Platt, Bettina. , 2004.From Messengers to Molecules: Memories Are Made of Reviews These.
- & Kluwer Academic / Plenum Publishers.
- Ancient History Marijuana
- Cannabis, Hemp, Marijuana History Timeline
- ruangpsikologi
- indocropcircles


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